Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Runner's High

My eyes closed, my lungs heaved, my legs shivered from two hours of constant exertion. I walked in circles with my hands over my head, trying to get some of that precious blood down into my core and lower body where I needed it. An extreme feeling of elation flooded over me.  I had done it- I had run my half-marathon. All 13 miles of it.

When I started the semester, I had a goal. Actually it was more than a goal, I believe that it was the Spirit of God telling me to run. In the past, running had always been a solo time for me of getting a chance to pray and worship my Creator. I used to run under the stars, looking up at the constellations and praise the God that made such a beautiful universe. Even during the day, things like the bright blue sky, or just nature itself became a living testament to the existence of our Lord. 

When I started running this semester, all I could do was a half mile. My top speed was a 10 minute mile. Now four months later, I have accomplished a 13 mile run. I have dropped my 2 miles down to 14 min. When my legs are burning and my heart is pumping out on the track or on the street, I know that the Lord is filling His promise to restore me. That is the source of my will power and my strength.

I wanted to take a chance and share that with you, because it has inspired me over these four grueling months of training. Go live a life of power in Christ!

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